Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Ahh Oregon

drivers are the slowest in the world.  I was zipping in and out of cars on I205 last night but I was only going 70.  Pathetic!  I made it with the flight only being about 10 minutes late.  There a bazillion kids on the flight which was weird considering it was coming from DC.  I know it's summer but who takes 8 year olds and under to DC or who takes them across the Atlantic which is the only reason anyone would connect in DC.

I'm trying frantically to sell my Mentor stock options shares this morning but having no luck getting a hold of a broker.  I have a few that are expiring next year which right now happen to be above water.  I'm dumping them while I'm here so I can easily fax all the paperwork.

My bike made it without much issue except for the oversize cost.  Ouch..not sure how heavy it was in the box but this time I got a Thule box as a rental and it's super nice as compared to the Trico.
My hamstring felt painful all cramped on the flight but this morning it felt pretty good getting out of bed.  I'm hopeful that by next week it will be totally healed and I'll be able to resume my training.
1 month 15 days....

1 comment:

  1. "I was only going 70"
    c'mon, dude, at what point in that drive is the limit over 55? They have not filled their quotas (that don't exist {insert eyeroll here}) yet...we drive "slow" to avoid these things called tickets...


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