Monday, January 12, 2009

Another swim workout

I made it through my 100 on, 100 off swim workout..barely.  It was quite hard at the end and took a lot of focus just to keep my form.  In running, you slow down a little as your form gets wacky from being tired but in swimming you slow down A LOT.   It was okay for a workout with my times being pretty mediocre as compared to workouts prior to the Ironman.  Yes another Ironman reference!!

Now my swim on Saturday was pretty good.  I was able to swim 2200 yards at a good clip for me even with sharing the lane off and on.  If I can get just a little faster in the water at Florida, I should have a decent chance of going under 5.  I have massive run goals at Florida though so we'll see how it all goes.

It's going to be another cold week so I'm still dormant when it comes to cycling.  A steady diet of two spin classes a week is hopefully just keeping a slight cycle fitness.  I'll probably start battling the coldness in February no matter what but I'm such a cold wimp.

So enough about my sad existence and on to my daughter, Elena.  I took her to an ice skating birthday party on Saturday.  One of her friends likes to skate so there were about 10 or so 7 year olds on the ice.  It was Elena's first time on skates.  She and another friend slide around the rink holding onto the wall the first time.  I got a few pictures and video that I posted on my Facebook profile.  I told her to try moving around the rink without holding onto the wall.  She was worried but decided to try it.  After a few times around she didn't want to stop for cake or even to go home.  She was totally addicted.  She wanted to go back on Sunday to skate some more.  She was actually able to move around the ice without holding on or falling much the last few times.

I think the best part was she felt such a sense of accomplishment because she did it herself without help.  A few of her other friends never tried and she was so glad that she did.  It's definitely great to see her try something on her own as she's has been pretty apprehensive up to this point.  She's becoming a little more independent which is cool.  She's growing up.

On eating news, I made it through Costco Saturday night without buying a big bag of Doritos.  They were sitting right there and I abstained. The diet is in full effect.  No more caffeine or chips until after May.  I'll cut out beer but I rarely drink so that's not a problem at all.  It's time to trim it down.


  1. No coffee. You are more hardcore than I!

    Best of luck to you with the diet and training...

  2. so is Elena a budding Tonya Harding? Make sure you teach her the leg whack, obviously the most important part...


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