Friday, April 11, 2008


It was the first short sleeve and bare knees ride of the year. I was so psyched. I was just planning a nice easy ride to spin out the legs from the Wednesday. I did a hard brick on Wednesday and I think finally my cycling legs are starting to come around. I ran just over 6 miles and didn't bonk for the first time in awhile or have trouble with my stomach.

I tried a different swim workout this morning since I hadn't swum for the last two days. On Wednesday morning I was tired so I bagged an easy form swim for sleep. This is really the first time I've bagged a swim just because I was tired. I decided to swim at race pace for the first 1000 yards and then go as hard as I could for the last 1000 yards. If I blew up, no biggie. I was doing a decent pace and then the last 1000 yards started and I tried to speed up. I was able to go about 4 seconds per 100 faster. Not outstanding but definitely tough.

It's suppose to warm today as well, so I'll be hammering a long ride with a run afterwards. It'll be good training for the hot/humid weather I'll be experiencing in Orlando during the upcoming half ironman. I'll be trying my new Profile Aero bottle for the first time. It attaches right onto the aerobars and has this big straw so you don't have to reach down for a drink. The directions for installation are pathetic. I'm not sure the best way to get it attached but I'll just hope for the best.

Elena and I are spending the weekend together so I won't be getting any workouts in this weekend. It's my days off every other week so I can recharge. Not sure what we're going to do this weekend except some choirs like grocery shopping. We'll watch some TV including catching up on American Idol. We'll watch Shrek 3 and/or Bee Movie. I've been burning through various TV series via my Netflix subscription. I saw the Dexter the first season. It was quite good and interesting. I've starting watching House which is also quite good but of course season 7 of CSI just came out on DVD so I've switched back to it. I love that show even though I haven't watched it ever on CBS. It's getting a little harder to keep watching DVDs because normal TV has started again.

Hell's Kitchen has started again and its still just as good as ever. Ramsey hasn't dumped any food onto someone's apron yet but overall it's had some classic scenes so far. There was actually someone who after 2 dinner services still didn't know what food was on the menu. Good stuff!

4 months 13 days...


  1. Did you get the aero drink bracket? It makes it easier to mount the bottle if you aero bars are spaced farther apart than the aero drink.

  2. Bee Movie > Shrek III. Just sayin'...


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